Implement ethinking safari push

0. Prereqisites

  • created Safari push app as described on the previeous section

  • download the library here

Extract the files and put them in a folder with the name "safaripush", then adjust the files as described below.


example config

  "app": {
    "client": {
      "clientId": "test", (1)
      "autosubscribe": true,
      "defaultSubscribedTags": [111, 112] (4)
    "api": {
      "id": "2590", (2)
      "accessToken": "4ZNLj7OW2mJkDC4W61z3PNrMJxPdQsf5p", (3)
      "websitePushId": "",  (5)
      "baseUrl": "", (6)
      "platformId": "4" (7)
1 your clientId (string format)
2 your appId (string format)
3 the token in the "Subscription API" panel (string format)
4 the tags you want your users subscribe to (number format for a single tag, a number-array for multiple tags)
5 the websitePushId you selected for your safari certificate (string format)
6 the url in the "Subscription API" panel (string format)
7 the platformId (in string format)

You find most of this information in the "Subscription API" panel on the info section of your push app on

safaripush setup01


There is a placeholder logo provided in the folder (logo.svg). You can switch it for your own logo. Make sure it is called "logo.svg" and that it is in SVG format.

2. Serve the safaripush folder on your website

  • e.g.*

3. Add script to your website

To initialise Safari Push you should import the safaripush.js script in the head of your website(s):

Be carefull of subdomains. E.g. if your website works with it should get the the script from If it also works on the script must be loaded from Otherwise you could have CORS-errors.

<script src='path to the script e.g.'></script>

Now the library will check on each pageload if the browser is safari and is able to recieve notifications. If that is the case, a blue bell icon will be displayed at the bottom left of your page. When a user clicks on that icon they will be asked, if they want to receive push-notifications. If yes, they will be automatically subscribed to all tags you specified in your config.