How to set up your Firebase credentials
For sending out Webpushes, we connect to Firebase as a service for delivering your pushes to the client. Therefore, it is necessary to have your individual Firebase credentials, which are needed to deliver Webpushes to your website later.
Step 1 - Create a new Firebase project
First, you need to navigate to and login. If you do not have a Google account, you have to create one for you.
Then create a new project.
In our example we name it: “My Website Push project”.
Google Analytics
You can activate Google Analytics in the next step but it is not needed for the Push.
Step 2 - Create a Web-App
After the setup is finished navigate to “Project overview” and “Settings”. There create a Web-App.
Here we name the Webapp for example: “My Website Webpush” Because the App is related to the Webpush functionality.
A Firebase Hosting is not neccesary.
In one Firebase project it is possible to have different Apps configured.
Now you have done all the steps which are necessary and you only need to get the right credentials.
Step 3 - Get your credentials
Navigate to "Cloud Messaging".
Here you will find the "Firebase Server Key" and your "Firebase Sender ID".
Now navigate to “General” and into the Webapp that you created.
In your snippet you will find the other needed credentials:
Now also copy and paste them into your Webpush configuration for your Website and you are finished setting up your Firebase credentials for your Webpush.